Raising professional standards.
We have a passion for growing people and our multifaceted backgrounds allow us to do this well. We are committed to high standards and our client references reflect this.
Within the conservation and guiding industries we offer:
working safely in areas with potentially dangerous wildlife workshop. Combining theory and practical, we build capability. This program can also include a section relating to conservation challenges.
wilderness backpacking mentorship that includes preparation, planning, skill, principles, working in remote areas, situational decision making, emergencies, bush craft, how to bivvy [planned vs. unplanned], managing inclement weather, ethics, leaving-no-trace and conservation. For guides operating in the trails guiding space this process can include logging hours and encounters.
guide skill development workshops for teams building their capability.
Lutz Otto, our founding director, understands the process of learning. He is a highly experienced facilitator, mentor, accredited coach and a registered assessor. He has worked with teams and individuals, across various disciplines, for most of his professional life.
Walking/ trails guides.
Guiding is a profession and it should be dealt with as such. Particularly with regards leading walking experiences, we cannot reiterate enough that there should be no short-cut to gaining experience. Within this context:
Passing the initial guide examinations sets the base platform to start of the journey towards building capability [knowledge + skill]. Experience and capability are not the same.
Time in exposure does not equate to an equal amount of experience i.e. 6 years exposure could equal 2 years of experience. Experience is an outcome of a conscious facilitation process.
In building experience you should spend time walking in different environments, with different lead guides and in different situations.
Mentorship plays a crucial part in professional growth - Who you work with is very important in your development.
Walking with clients is different, on many levels, to training constructs.
Leading trails is different to guiding from vehicles, or within structured environments. Further this forgiving environments are fundamentally different high mountain experiences. Trails requires additional guiding skills, different experience and a different mindset.
Until properly tested, under stress, in a real situation, people can be blase' about the associated responsibilities. A deeper respect builds, when the environment has uncomfortably challenged us.
There is a material difference between undertaking walks with close at hand support versus being comfortable in multi-day remote wilderness experiences.

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