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An Ecosystemic Perspective of Life: The Crisis

Author Dr Ken Jennings

Credit: Ken Jennings

At present, we are encountering our first global crisis in a very long time. So what is our most fundamental challenge, as the world closes in on itself during this lockdown period? While the answer is not a simple one, I believe that the challenge is actually a philosophical one. We are being asked to examine our old beliefs of a worldview that has been based on the rules of mechologic. In brief, this paradigm of thinking views the world as being like a machine, with man standing separate from the environment in which she/he exists. Nature is considered to be a resource to be controlled, dominated and used in a self-centred manner, without consideration of the possible detrimental consequences of our actions.

Maybe we are experiencing what nature feels like when we shun her.

Paradoxically, in this lockdown, we are actually experiencing the reality of what it feels like to be apart and separated from the context and life-fabric that defines who we are. In a strange way, we are maybe experiencing what nature feels like when we restrict her, shun her and/or deny our intimate relationship we have with her. On a positive note, during this period, a number of realisations will begin to emerge that can help us develop a new worldview, driven by the principles of ecologic:

  • We are all in the same boat together.

  • While we may be different, there is no such thing as being more important than another.

  • Global crises cut economic, social and economic standing.

  • We are connected to an interdependent fabric of relationships.

  • There are no political boundaries, that separate us.

  • Nature is in a dynamic balance, but can go on a runaway that cannot be controlled.

We are embedded in nature and therefore are governed by the dynamics of nature.

As a psychologist, I follow an ecosystemic theoretical framework when dealing with human problems. We are no different to nature. We do not stand apart from nature. Instead, we are embedded in nature and therefore are governed by the dynamics of nature. Given this, nature can help guide us through a crisis, only if we align our thinking to understanding how the complex, interdependent fabric of life links to our every thought and action.

Credit: Ken Jennings

Crisis is nature’s way to activate change. Crisis is nature’s cry to signal that it is unhealthy. Crisis awakens us. It is part of the evolutionary process that calls for a new way forward. A new global consciousness is emerging.

A new global consciousness is emerging. The challenge is for us is to walk into this new vision, being conscious that we do not stand apart, control or manipulate the world we live in. Instead, a co-operative, respectful and gentle approach should govern our every thought and be reflected in all of our action. Take care ...

[follows tomorrow]


Dr Ken Jennings is an internationally renowned psychologist, executive coach and author with over 35 years experience. With a specialism in performance psychology, he has worked with elite sporting teams and extraordinary individuals globally. A systems orientated process thinker, he focuses on creating possibilities for those he consults with. His work draws on the philosophy of ecologic, in that ideas and actions are interconnected holistically. He believes that human transformation occurs when the power of energy and the complexity of information integrates in a meaningful, focused way. Ken is a passionate photographer and a lover of things wild. He loves spending time in South Africa's Kruger National Park and the forests of southern Germany. Originally from South Africa, he now lives in Germany. He consults to clients globally. Connect with Ken on +49 1578 150 6789 or email See his work at



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